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A little bit about the Better Half Tour

Who the heck ARE these Better Half Tournament Directors?
Maria is the Better Half Tournament Director. She checks you in with a smile at registration, launches the field at the start, organizes the entire gig, takes care of the insurance and permits and schedules, handles the refreshments at weigh-in, connects with everyone on social media and everything else that makes this such a fantastic, feel-good fishing circuit.
Erich? A bass fishing hippie that’s been the victim of the sport since a hit-and-run bluegill way back about 4 years young. God Bless my father who took me fishing. I’m truly fortunate that Maria has embraced bass fishing – she is the reason you are reading these words today. I’m the guy who takes your pictures & checks your livewells. Managing websites since 1997, I try to keep this site updated, entertaining & engaging.
The Better Half? Depends on who you ask!

Wayne, Sue & Emily Westfall

Wayne & Sue stepped up to give us a hand during weigh-in a few years back, and they’ve been a great help in making this all happen without a hitch (so to say). Wayne has been tournament fishing for many years, and does a fantastic job as your WeighMaster at the scales.
Sue and Emily help out with tournament check-in, plus with the paperwork at weigh-in. And of course they both fish!
We sincerely appreciate the assistance of these terrific people – without their help the day would be a hectic fustercluck (fishing talk for ‘mess’).